Module 1 Overview

Welcome Letter.pdf
Final Revised Cheat Sheets for Module 1 Teachable.pdf

Understanding Spanish opens the doors to exploring all over the world, making the rich heritage, arts, and cultures of Spanish speakers across the globe accessible.

Instead of 30 or 250 lessons as found in other popular language programs, Savvy Traveler Co. compiles all the most needed conversational pieces into 3 lessons with a total of 4.5 hours of Digital Streaming and lifetime access for language learning and maintenance, as well as a Private Facebook group to Direct Message your Language Instructor. Experience the Savvy method of learning languages for their conversational enjoyment! Free Workbook Included with Course!

By simply using Module 1 , Module 2 and Module 3 lessons and the accompanying materials guided with your language teacher, you’ll enjoy a life-changing skill for home, business, travel and family life. Your teacher uses the Savvy Traveler Co. recipe, to step you through fine tuning your pronunciation, politeness, survival sentences and all the most needed vocabulary and dialogues for home, business, travel and family life! Live life fully in all cultures as we learn to respect our small world family and appreciate how we got here. Welcome. Open doors in your home, business or local coffee or tea shop from your computer or phone.

This is a tool for life.

¡Bienvenidos! ¿Le podemos servir una taza de café o té con su español? Welcome! Can we serve you a coffee or tea with your Spanish?

¡Hola Amigos!


If you are new to the group, Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos! Enjoy all the resources offered weekly as practice!

This is for people from all walks of life:



Busy professionals

Budding linguists

Digital Nomads

... and we will get you to your Language Goals!

Even though learning a language can be a challenge, we keep it simple with international resources found through social media here.


¿Quieres aprender un nuevo idioma?

Here are some great tips on how to grow your conversational skills in world 🌍 languages below.

To get started today, Listen to your Membership Course Modules with your Cheat Sheets along with:

1. Enjoy your complementary Facebook group, “The Art of Speaking Spanish” to meet other language lovers such as yourself and bounce ideas off them to see how much in common you have in your learning.

as well as along with your teacher,

For those that are looking for tutors, is an amazing website for international tutors.

You can book a time with your Spanish Instructor here :

Here with weekly news, you will find news such as;

“Hola amigos,

Tenemos noticias. Ya está disponible nuestra nueva página:

Los contenidos no han cambiado demasiado, aunque podría haber algunas novedades en un futuro próximo. El cambio más substancial está relacionado con la accesibilidad: ahora será más fácil consultar la página a través de dispositivos móviles. Hemos querido mejorar también las opciones de contacto, añadiendo un formulario. Hay asimismo nuevas fotos y algunos textos están modificados.

Otra novedad, relacionada con lo anterior, es que tenemos un nuevo blog (…/09/10/example-post/), en el que iremos añadiendo todo tipo de noticias o imágenes relacionadas con nuestros cursos, con la lengua española, con La Peral, con Somiedo, con España, y quizás con el mundo en general.

A partir de ahora iremos añadiendo también aquí, en Facebook, algunos de los contenidos que estarán disponibles en nuestro blog.

Esto es todo de momento.”


“La primavera ya está a la vuelta de la esquina, y aún quedan algunas fechas disponibles para nuestros cursos (aunque pocas, y cada vez menos). ¿Se os ocurre alguna forma más placentera y efectiva para mejorar vuestro español que sumergiros en la cultura y la lengua de la mano de dos profesores profesionales de español, que además son expertos conocedores de las costumbres y de la naturaleza de las montañas cantábricas? A nosotros, sinceramente, no se nos ocurre ninguna.

Seréis más que bienvenidos, aquí, en el paraíso de los osos cantábricos.



Spring is just around the corner, and there are still some dates available for our courses (not many though, and fewer and fewer)

Can you think of a more pleasurable and effective way to improve your Spanish than to immerse yourself in the culture and the language, with the guidance and assistance of two professional Spanish teachers, who are also experts in the customs and nature of the Cantabrian Mountains? We really can’t find any, honestly.

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